Well she was just sleeping and guess what I get this up and she wake up. So this will be short.
She has been doing good, some nights are more rough than others, but I guess that is part of the package. We have spent lots of time with family and friends. Grandma and Mia have come over, Lisa and Brisa have come over and the cousins Deanne, Marc, Riley and Ryan came over, Papa came over to play, Aunt Holly and Uncle Bob spent some time with Miss Faith and can't forget our favorite Couzit Brooklyn came to play and tickle Faith's feet. :) On Sunday morning Daddy took Faith to breakfast with Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grammy, Uncle Greg and Aunt Allison while Mommy stayed home to sleep. Let me tell you that was hard for Mommy to get used to. I cried! But, after breakfast daddy and Faith spent time at Grammy's. So they had a fun time.
Oh my gosh what a beautiful baby. I can't believe how much she has changed in just a week.