Faith's 1st Birthday

Faith's 1st Birthday

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 14

Hi everyone! Sorry it has been way too long. Is it possible to get even busier? Faith gets bounced around day to day. Going to Mia's, going to grandma's, coming home. Then all over again.
We have been lucky to spend lots of time with Daddy. He loves her a ton. Trevor is even starting to pick out outfits for Faith on his own. So proud!!
On Halloween we went to Uncle Nick, Aunt Caitlin and Cousin Brooklyn's house to join in the Halloween celebration. Faith was able to go trick or treating for the first time and got crappy candy. :( Good thing she doesn't eat it yet. That afternoon she rolled over for the first time. YEA!!! Although that has been the only time. She is getting close though. Slowly she is starting to like being on her stomach. Oh by the way she was on her back and rolled to her tummy.
Not much going on to report on so far other than that. Oh Faith spent the day with Uncle Greg and Aunt Allison on Sunday and she had a blast. I can tell through her smile.
Faith loves walks in the park and lots of love and kisses. She also loves to watch Nick Jr.. Fresh Beat Band keeps her attention and so does Yo Gabba Gabba.
More Later! Thanks for checking in!