Well she is actually 1!!!! Faith is walking, babbling, and getting into everything. She likes to mimic animal sounds, she woofs like a dog, meows like a cat and as of today she rarrs like a bear. She is so funny becuase she is becoming into a little person with a huge attitude.
One of her favorite things right now is the kids chairs that fold out to a bed. But, her number 1 favorite toy is MINNIE MOUSE that I got in Disneyland in July. She sleeps with her and carries her around everywhere.
Her birthday was a great weekend. Saturday the 30th we took pictures at the park then had her party. She had a great turn out and got lots of fun gifts.
Faith's 1st Birthday

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
11 months
Can you believe it!!!!! She is 11 months old, almost one year old!!! Crazy!
We just got home from the Florida Keys. Another wonderful trip to the keys.
Faith is not walking yet on her own. She likes to push things to walk but no walking on her own. She is very silly and likes to mock you when you laugh and make sounds. Faith is starting to gives kisses when you ask, not all the time just sometimes. Faith puts herself to sleep at night which is really nice.
Faith is also enrolled in swim classes with aqua tots and loves it.
Faith's Birthday Party is July 30th at our house from 11am to 1pm.
We just got home from the Florida Keys. Another wonderful trip to the keys.
Faith is not walking yet on her own. She likes to push things to walk but no walking on her own. She is very silly and likes to mock you when you laugh and make sounds. Faith is starting to gives kisses when you ask, not all the time just sometimes. Faith puts herself to sleep at night which is really nice.
Faith is also enrolled in swim classes with aqua tots and loves it.
Faith's Birthday Party is July 30th at our house from 11am to 1pm.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
May 15th!
Ok so it has been a-LONG time since my last post. can you believe it just gets busier.
So Faith has grown so much. She is 9 months old, crawling, pulling herself to stand, has 2 teeth (lower) and loves to be with people.
For about a week she was getting on all 4's and crawling back wards and one Saturday she decided to go forward towards Daddy's phone. She would crawl a short distance and then take a break. It was hard work! Then within the next few days she was off..... She went all over the house pulling down all books she could find. Now she likes to follow us around the house.
Faith loves to laugh and smile. Friday night I had her laughing so hard their was almost tears coming out of her eyes. In order for me to get her laughing that hard I had to bounce like a rabbit, saying "a..boo" with every bounce.Trevor and I were both home to see and hear that wonderful laugh.
At her 9 month appointment she was 23.9 pounds and 29" long. Doctor says she is doing great. We just have to watch her poops, they are on the hard side and if that continues then at 12 months she will have to go back on alimentum formula. That would be going backwards, we want her to start real milk at 12 months. Oh well if that is all her health problems I count us lucky.
Faith loves to play with her toys, she has figured out all the buttons and and now knows how to work them. Right now her favorite toy is the fisher price table that has a phone, labtop, book and piano on it. She will stand there for a long time pushing buttons and opening and closing the labtop while she dances.
Yesterday, Daddy was organizing the popup trailer, so faith and I went out to play in the front yard with the hose. She first started out on the grass playing with hose but ended up in the plastic storage contaner as her pool. She loves playing in the water! Maybe today we will go to the big pool!
This summer is going to be filled so many fun vacations and activities. We are going camping in June, The Florida Keys in July and much much more. Faith will have to get a new jet-setting attire.. I know she is too young everyone who are rolling their eyes. Although we did get alot of fun new swimsuits.
Tell later! Have a great one!
So Faith has grown so much. She is 9 months old, crawling, pulling herself to stand, has 2 teeth (lower) and loves to be with people.
For about a week she was getting on all 4's and crawling back wards and one Saturday she decided to go forward towards Daddy's phone. She would crawl a short distance and then take a break. It was hard work! Then within the next few days she was off..... She went all over the house pulling down all books she could find. Now she likes to follow us around the house.
Faith loves to laugh and smile. Friday night I had her laughing so hard their was almost tears coming out of her eyes. In order for me to get her laughing that hard I had to bounce like a rabbit, saying "a..boo" with every bounce.Trevor and I were both home to see and hear that wonderful laugh.
At her 9 month appointment she was 23.9 pounds and 29" long. Doctor says she is doing great. We just have to watch her poops, they are on the hard side and if that continues then at 12 months she will have to go back on alimentum formula. That would be going backwards, we want her to start real milk at 12 months. Oh well if that is all her health problems I count us lucky.
Faith loves to play with her toys, she has figured out all the buttons and and now knows how to work them. Right now her favorite toy is the fisher price table that has a phone, labtop, book and piano on it. She will stand there for a long time pushing buttons and opening and closing the labtop while she dances.
Yesterday, Daddy was organizing the popup trailer, so faith and I went out to play in the front yard with the hose. She first started out on the grass playing with hose but ended up in the plastic storage contaner as her pool. She loves playing in the water! Maybe today we will go to the big pool!
This summer is going to be filled so many fun vacations and activities. We are going camping in June, The Florida Keys in July and much much more. Faith will have to get a new jet-setting attire.. I know she is too young everyone who are rolling their eyes. Although we did get alot of fun new swimsuits.
Tell later! Have a great one!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
March 8th
Hi Everyone-
Well Faith is continuing to grow!!! What a suprise right? A few weeks ago Faith came down with Croup and had to take her to the Doctor and she was now 21 lbs. She was a good sport through being sick. Faith and I took steam showers and that has been my favorite time spent with Faith thus far. Can you believe she is 7 months old now....... Trevor keeps saying that he can not imagine his life with out her.. He loves spending time with her. A few weekends ago we spent the day all together by going to the farmers market and then to fan day at Chase Field. Faith really enjoys being out and moving around. Last Sunday we spent the afternoon in the backyard while Trevor brewed beer and did yard work. It was a wonderful day.
Well Faith is continuing to grow!!! What a suprise right? A few weeks ago Faith came down with Croup and had to take her to the Doctor and she was now 21 lbs. She was a good sport through being sick. Faith and I took steam showers and that has been my favorite time spent with Faith thus far. Can you believe she is 7 months old now....... Trevor keeps saying that he can not imagine his life with out her.. He loves spending time with her. A few weekends ago we spent the day all together by going to the farmers market and then to fan day at Chase Field. Faith really enjoys being out and moving around. Last Sunday we spent the afternoon in the backyard while Trevor brewed beer and did yard work. It was a wonderful day.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
February 13th
Hi everyone just a quick hello! Faith is doing well, she got her ears pierced yesterday and it was very sad for about 5 minutes then she was fine.
She sits up very well now and she can be on her stomach for awhile now, which has been a challenge lately. Grandma Madalyn has been blessed to see her roll over 3 times now but no one else. :( Faith got on her knees for aprox. 2 seconds on thursday night. Trevor tried something to day and she was able to get from laying on her back to sitting up using her ab muscles. He had to hold her feet down but she pulled herself up. She grows daily...... Although, lately she has not been a good sleeper during the day, don't know why.
Hope all is well with everyone.
She sits up very well now and she can be on her stomach for awhile now, which has been a challenge lately. Grandma Madalyn has been blessed to see her roll over 3 times now but no one else. :( Faith got on her knees for aprox. 2 seconds on thursday night. Trevor tried something to day and she was able to get from laying on her back to sitting up using her ab muscles. He had to hold her feet down but she pulled herself up. She grows daily...... Although, lately she has not been a good sleeper during the day, don't know why.
Hope all is well with everyone.
Monday, January 31, 2011
January 31st
Hi Everyone!
Guess what she is 6 months old TODAY! Crazy right
We had her 6 month appointment today and she did wonderful. She is 27 3/4 inches long and 19 lbs 13 oz. Dr Z said that she is the length of a 10 month old and weight of an 11 month old. Faith loves to sit up and play with her toys but still has not rolled over yet. We have to work on that. She is starting stage 2 foods and we have the ok to drink juice and water. Seems so early but hey I don't know much about all this.
On January 22nd Faith was baptized at St. Annes. It was a wonderful morning. Nick and Amee are the godparents and they did a wonderful job. Many friends and family came to celebrate with us and it just made the day even better. Thank you everyone for all the wonderful gifts you gave Miss Faith.
On last friday we went to EVIT and took Faith's 6 month pictures. Cousin Brooklyn was able to come too and take many pictures as well. Although Brooklyn was more interested in scrapbooking the pictures. She is taking after her family quiet well. All in due time Faith will want to do the same. Well it is bed time and I must go put our princess down to sleep.
Guess what she is 6 months old TODAY! Crazy right
We had her 6 month appointment today and she did wonderful. She is 27 3/4 inches long and 19 lbs 13 oz. Dr Z said that she is the length of a 10 month old and weight of an 11 month old. Faith loves to sit up and play with her toys but still has not rolled over yet. We have to work on that. She is starting stage 2 foods and we have the ok to drink juice and water. Seems so early but hey I don't know much about all this.
On January 22nd Faith was baptized at St. Annes. It was a wonderful morning. Nick and Amee are the godparents and they did a wonderful job. Many friends and family came to celebrate with us and it just made the day even better. Thank you everyone for all the wonderful gifts you gave Miss Faith.
On last friday we went to EVIT and took Faith's 6 month pictures. Cousin Brooklyn was able to come too and take many pictures as well. Although Brooklyn was more interested in scrapbooking the pictures. She is taking after her family quiet well. All in due time Faith will want to do the same. Well it is bed time and I must go put our princess down to sleep.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
January 11, 2011
Not too much new but Faith is sitting up un attended for a few minutes! Yeah! Of course she can't sit herself up on her own but she sits. Can't believe she is already sitting. I am sooooo excited. She started eating fruit on Sunday, today is Tuesday so 3 days of applesauce. Yummy! Faith liked the applesauce not quite sure if her tummy did. Tomorrow we start peaches and I have prunes on hand just in case :/
Don't forget everyone Faith's Baptism is January 22nd at 8am at St. Anne's Catholic Church. Please come and help celebrate this mile stone in her life. Light breakfast after at our house.
Sorry don't have my camera on me so I don't have any new pictures to up load. But, don't worry she is cute still maybe even cutier. :)
Don't forget everyone Faith's Baptism is January 22nd at 8am at St. Anne's Catholic Church. Please come and help celebrate this mile stone in her life. Light breakfast after at our house.
Sorry don't have my camera on me so I don't have any new pictures to up load. But, don't worry she is cute still maybe even cutier. :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year and Happy 5th Month Bday Faith
Well Happy New Year to everyone! It has been a wonderful christmas season and Faith lucked out with a ton of toys and clothes. Faith really enjoyed opening gifts. I know many of you are saying she is only 5 months how does she know the difference. I saw it! I saw it in her eyes when I would put a present in front of her. Her eyes just got large and a big smile was plastered on her face. Faith would grab the paper while I pulled to revel the musical light show hiding under the paper we call her new toys.
Daddy and I have spent a lot of quality time with Miss Faith over the past 2 weeks and it has been wonderful but... tomorrow starts back to the working grind and she gets to spend time with Mia and grandma again. They have made it very clear that they miss her tons and can't wait to spend time with her again.
Faith has been recognizing her toys are loves to play with them as well as grab them and talks to them. She loves to sit in her pink tea bouncer while she watches Nick Jr. She will last a good 30 minutes to 45 minutes sitting in the bouncer before she realizes that she is hungry or tired. Faith has also been eating in her big girl high chair and she loves it. Last night daddy was watching football and was going to leave so I asked him to put Nick Jr and her head turned so fast once daddy put her TV on. Then she was glued while she ate her dinner.
January is going to be busy for all of us but I am hoping she sits up soon, she can stand on her own as long as she is holding onto something. Of course it doesn't last long but it is a beginning. For everyone who has not had the grace of meeting Faith she has had very strong legs since the days she was born and she loves to stand and sit up, more so then lay down.
After Christmas Aunt Katy stayed in town to hang out with Faith so we went to the zoo for the 1st time and Faith seemed to like it but I think she enjoyed looking at the million people that were there as well.
Don't forget Faith's Baptism is January 22nd at 8am at St Ann's Catholic Church. Hope to see you!
Daddy and I have spent a lot of quality time with Miss Faith over the past 2 weeks and it has been wonderful but... tomorrow starts back to the working grind and she gets to spend time with Mia and grandma again. They have made it very clear that they miss her tons and can't wait to spend time with her again.
Faith has been recognizing her toys are loves to play with them as well as grab them and talks to them. She loves to sit in her pink tea bouncer while she watches Nick Jr. She will last a good 30 minutes to 45 minutes sitting in the bouncer before she realizes that she is hungry or tired. Faith has also been eating in her big girl high chair and she loves it. Last night daddy was watching football and was going to leave so I asked him to put Nick Jr and her head turned so fast once daddy put her TV on. Then she was glued while she ate her dinner.
January is going to be busy for all of us but I am hoping she sits up soon, she can stand on her own as long as she is holding onto something. Of course it doesn't last long but it is a beginning. For everyone who has not had the grace of meeting Faith she has had very strong legs since the days she was born and she loves to stand and sit up, more so then lay down.
After Christmas Aunt Katy stayed in town to hang out with Faith so we went to the zoo for the 1st time and Faith seemed to like it but I think she enjoyed looking at the million people that were there as well.
Don't forget Faith's Baptism is January 22nd at 8am at St Ann's Catholic Church. Hope to see you!
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